The future of Squash

IntelliReferee is an innovative platform using AI and Computer Vision Technologies to improve the accuracy of refereeing in Squash.



World Squash Officiating
College Squash Association

A Pioneer in World Squash


Problem Statement

One of the biggest issues preventing advancements in the game of squash is the issue of lets and strokes. In recent years, the game has become more aggressive and referee calls more contentious, leading to multiple conflicts and bad behaviors.




Utilizing state-of-the-art computer vision models which are trained and optimized on our custom data, IntelliReferee achieves high accuracy and precision in detecting the two players, squash rackets, and ball. These advanced computer vision models ensure reliable tracking of player positions, ball movements in real-time.



At the core of IntelliReferee is a proprietary AI decision model designed to classify situations as stroke, let, or no-let. The decision model, using inputs of decisioning variables calculated through the detection model, outputs an objective and accurate decision that the referee can accept or override.


March 2024

First pilot at Cornell University - Belkin Squash Courts

April 2024

Second pilot at Cornell University - Belkin Squash Courts

June 2024

Pilot at the 2023-24 PSA World Tour Finals in Seattle

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